What Makes Aquaera Holistic Center Stand Out

Author: Aquaera Holistic Center | | Categories: Balance with Nature , Energy Harmony , Feng Shui Office


Thanks for stopping by our blog. If you’re looking for more information about Aquaera Holistic Center, you’ve come to the right place. 

About Aquaera Holistic Center

I started Aquaera Holistic Center in 2012 after a career as an engineer with the Department of Transportation of the State of Florida, as well as with the Department of Public Works in Dade County. Having always been interested in alternate forms of understanding and spent many years searching for my spiritual path. I became involved in many different practices covering metaphysics, theosophy, advanced conscious channeling, past life regressions, etc. I saw a way to include my engineering profession with my passion and was certified in Feng Shui by the New York Institute in 2000. I now practice Feng Shui, property and space energy clearing, four pillars chart, emotion code therapy, and access akashic records. My extensive life experience, education in numerous holistic remedies and practices, along with my ability to see and feel beyond what others can, makes me unique in the field of Feng Shui and holistic services.

With twenty years of experience helping my community live better lives, be healthier, and more likely to prosper, I have had the privilege of understanding my craft better. I continuously endeavor to create better methods, develop new ideas, and learn new holistic techniques to offer my clients a one-stop-shop for their holistic and wellness needs. I serve clients across Haverhill, Delray Beach, West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood. However, all my services are also available virtually on Zoom or Skype.  

The Aquaera Holistic Center Difference

In my practice, my client base consists mainly of individuals looking to have their homes, properties, or workplaces, in balance and full of harmonic energy. Through Feng Shui, I active their prosperity, sling-shot their careers, and promote health, wealth, and opportunities. I also help people who want to permanently change their lives by assisting them in reaching higher levels of consciousness by activating their pre-frontal cortex using a revolutionary technique called higher brain living. If my testimonials are anything to go by, what I do goes a long way to empower, promote serenity, and bring joy to my community. 

An aspect that makes me second to none is my commitment to self-development. As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “if we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change,” and I believe this statement to be true. I also think my intuition has been one of my greatest strengths as it has led me to develop new ways to be of assistance. 

What sets me apart from the rest of my competitors is my dedication to people. Using my intuitive spiritual connection and following my heart, I have always found a way to resolve unbeneficial or detrimental situations to my client’s well-being. My more than two decades of experience in Feng Shui have also allowed me to become more sensitive, attune with space’s energy, and increased my understanding of how power works. 

I can say that I wake up every morning thankful for the ability to positively impact the lives of those I meet in my profession. It never fails to make me proud to see a client who, after following my advice and making the changes suggested, completely turns their life around, becoming better, empowered human beings. 

My dream for the future is to combine my engineering, Feng Shui, and sustainable construction skills, along with my understanding of permaculture, to create a green community.

To learn more about all that I do at Aquaera Holistic Center, please click here. If you have any questions about how I can help you, I’d love to hear from you. Please contact me here


La diferencia del Centro Holístico Aquaera

En mi práctica, mi base de clientes consiste principalmente en personas que buscan tener sus hogares, propiedades o lugares de trabajo en equilibrio y llenos de energía armónica. A través del Feng Shui, activo su prosperidad, activo sus carreras y promuevo la salud, la riqueza y las oportunidades. También ayudo a las personas que quieren cambiar permanentemente sus vidas ayudándoles a alcanzar niveles más altos de conciencia activando su corteza prefrontal utilizando una técnica revolucionaria llamada “Higher Brain Living”.
Si mis testimonios sirven de algo, lo que hago es de gran ayuda para empoderar, promover la serenidad y traer alegría a mi comunidad.

Un aspecto que me hace insuperable es mi compromiso con el autodesarrollo. Como dijo Mahatma Gandhi, "Si pudiéramos cambiarnos a nosotros mismos, las tendencias en el mundo también cambiarían", y creo que esta afirmación es cierta. También creo que mi intuición ha sido una de mis mayores fortalezas, ya que me ha llevado a desarrollar nuevas formas de ayudar.

Lo que me distingue del resto de mis competidores es mi dedicación a las personas. Usando mi conexión espiritual intuitiva y siguiendo mi corazón, siempre he encontrado una manera de resolver situaciones perjudiciales o no beneficiosas para el bienestar de mi cliente. Mis más de dos décadas de experiencia en Feng Shui también me han permitido volverme más sensible, sintonizarme con la energía del espacio y aumentar mi comprensión de cómo funciona el poder.

Puedo decir que me despierto todas las mañanas agradecida por la capacidad de impactar positivamente las vidas de las personas que conozco en mi profesión. Nunca deja de enorgullecerme ver a un cliente que, después de seguir mis consejos y hacer los cambios sugeridos, cambia completamente su vida, convirtiéndose en seres humanos mejores y empoderados.

Mi sueño para el futuro es combinar mis habilidades de ingeniería, Feng Shui y construcción sostenible, junto con mi comprensión de la permacultura, para crear una comunidad autosuficiente.

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